Sunday, April 13, 2014 tory burch bags ktkx

Good Sibu Si, baby ray ban sunglasses uk ** mother earth just do not know their own nòng lost money, or forget where did just ten dollars. She saw the rich soil baby snacks, pulled ray ban uk asked where the money came. Soil baby honestly tell ray ban uk ** mom, but she does not believe that not only took the rest of the money back, tory burch bags but also severely beat earth baby meal. Therefore, the soil will be crying baby on mén past helped to Wang Fan ray ban uk testify. Wang Fan Knowing that his ten dollars, actually nòng out of such a thing.

So said Wang Fan, can not help but think of the children's education, but thought it a story. Said that one day, a teacher mother suddenly received a phone call to her to school. The mother quickly put the matter at hand, rushed to the school. Teacher was very angry and said: ray bans online ray ban uk see his son every day, it will play crazy crazy busy. The exam was 72 points, the first grade on the exam so little later how to do ? Today ray ban uk asked him to review at home yet, he said the review, and also review the 12 points.

The mother did not see the children review yesterday, listening to the teacher say, that his son learned to lie. After returning home, the mother let his son take off kù son climbed on chuáng. Children look to be beaten, he was afraid, and said to his mother : ray ban uk review, really, my mother believed ray ban uk. The mother asked : how could review the exam so little ? Son: ray ban uk 's no test to review. It can not, my mother said firmly, and without any explanation the child beating.


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