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Do not talk nonsense, what would hasten to say, do not look at this thing in a hurry. Wang Chen pole urged. Ban smiled and said: Zhanshi Sarkozy not want to and cooperate with you? Through him we can Zhaoxie Ren ah. You mean those who let his men to let the Royal Knights mining ? Wang driving skills snappily: sunglasses outle willing to speak, even if sunglasses outle willing, but just then a hundred people have enough ah. Master, I mean not to let sunglasses outle mining, but let sunglasses outle bandits. Classes eyes sparkled said: the one he needed for war, although it did not wipe out the bandits medals credit for the imperial army large, but there is no country in times of peace which is the main source of war medals, and then add up, can be considered a good military medals it.


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