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Xiaohu sigh of emotion. Seventh month, when a Bruce Lee finally back, Linda invited Xiaohu home visit, and received a red envelope from the accident of Bruce Lee. Xiaohu opened it, Okay, a full one thousand dollars. It also is not Bruce Lee and toms shoes sale the car took a lot of eating, what cakes, golden crispy triangles, fried dumplings, egg powder and the like, there are numerous several bags. Lee will be something on the table laughed, patted the shoulder Xiaohu said: Hey Tigers, which is currently let babyliss perfect curl Babyliss gave you, know that you are her old loner, so he let Babyliss brought to share with you about the New Year festive.

Xiaohu mood somewhat complex, but a smile on his face, said : Thank you for babyliss pro perfect curl want to say hello to her old. Xiaohu gave Brandon Lee and Shannon Lee two envelopes, the sound of the children thanks, Bruce Lee, he was invited into the study. The script will give you complete Babyliss see. Lee picked up from the old-fashioned glasses askew desk belt, separated by a thick lens can not wait to show him the look and said: this time the New Year at home Babyliss been considering whether you completed the screenplay, Babyliss Babyliss own right said, if you do not complete the script writing, Babyliss do not mind the increase in the daily combat training for seven !

Xiaohu sit with his mouth somewhat bitter, he has not forgotten how he is to get through the week to come, the whole body aches do not say, but also to accept Bruce spiritual stimulation, it is simply a nightmare. Fortunately Babyliss has completed the creation of it. Xiaohu whispering a sentence, handed play Bruce Lee said: Babyliss only completed copy of the English version requires you to translate. OK, no problem. Having read the script Lee buried, after a long time he took off his glasses, rubbed his eyes and said some soreness : Tigers, how do you expect the guy to make Chuck Norris cameo anti angle ?


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